While much has been written about how to manage anxiety, far less attention has been paid to how anxiety originates within the psyche. In this post, we will explore the fascinating origins of anxiety through the lens of Lacanian theory, delving into how the interplay between three fundamental psychic realms—the Real, the Imaginary, and the Symbolic—can trigger this powerful emotion. It’s important to note that the neurotic episode we are discussing in this post does not necessarily indicate that the subject has a fully developed neurosis. It is simply a fleeting moment where anxiety arises, temporarily disrupting the usual balance of the psyche. This type of episode is not a sign of a chronic condition, but rather a transient moment of anxiety that, if not managed properly, could lead to further complications. Mental health is about maintaining balance, and we must all learn how to navigate this process. Lacan’s Three Realms Lacan proposed that the psyche is structured around three dis...